Saturday, August 11, 2012

She's here...2 months later!

Sorry for the late post on this, but Annie Arlene Christensen joined our family on Thursday June 7th at 5:17 AM. She weighed 8 lbs 13 oz, and measured 20.5 inches long. It was a long labor that ended in a C-section. She has been such a blessing to us!

Here is a picture of our precious Annie in the hospital. She was so alert from the second they ripped her out of me. Wide eyes looking all around the operating room.

Since June 7th, Annie has grown immensely. She is now 13 lbs 12 oz, and 24.5 inches long. She is wearing 3-6 month clothes. I'm glad she is getting the nutrients she needs to grow, but sad because she is growing so fast. Annie is now smiling, and her smile is contagious. Many of her behaviors bring laughter and smiles into our lives.  

Here is Miss Annie at 1 month

Here is Miss Annie at 2 months

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