Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sad day :(

It is with great sadness that I write this post. This past Sunday, April 1st, we had to put our cat Marble down. She was a great addition to our home these past two years. Here is a brief of Marble's life with us....

In February 2010, Marble came to live with us. She belonged to my brother, but he could no longer care for her. So we opened our hearts and our home to her. Toby and Marble never seemed to get along, and it wasn't until the past few months that I actually saw them sit near each other. Toby would always hit her, Marble would always hiss and growl at him. Deep down, I knew they loved each other.

On Saturday March 31st, Willie and I came home from my baby shower in Neenah to find Marble crying and disoriented in the basement. She could only walk in circles, and would not look at us. We figured it was her kitty vertigo acting up so we gave her some medicine, and locked her in the bathroom for the evening with the essentials. The next morning, Marble had not eaten or drank anything. We knew that was not like her. She also did not react when we tried touching her left eye. And she dragged her left front paw as she walked.

We took her to the emergency vet in Madison on Sunday April 1st. The doctor gave us many options of what we could do for her, but nothing would give us definite answers unless we took her to the University to get a CAT scan (hehehe) or an MRI. We did not have the finances to do this. Everything was uncertain but for one thing: this was not the Marble we knew, and she was not happy. We made the tough decision to put her to sleep. As she drifted off, we pet her and cried. She was such a great companion.

I miss her every day. It's funny how you never think about the little things in life, but I no longer have a companion to join me when I go to bed (I go to sleep much earlier than Willie). I also no longer have a friend to take a nap on my lap, or to sit on my lap as we watch TV.

I have created, with the help of my mom, a memorial garden for Marble. I am also planning to create a scrapbook of Marble, with notes about all of the quirky habits she had. Outwardly, I am doing much better. On the inside I am still heartbroken. The grieving process will be a while, as she was my first baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that you had to say good-bye to Marble (I almost said, "sorry you lost your Marble(s)"...but erased that).... Seriously though, our pets are part of our family and it is so hard to lose them. Thinking of you guys!
