Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our beautiful baby

Today I had an ultrasound after some concerns that I had last week. After my appointment with my doctor, he wanted me to have one to be sure, even though he thought all was well. Here is a shot of our beautiful baby! Willie was unable to attend because he had to work, but my mom came along. I think she enjoyed seeing all of the different shots they took. It's still hard to believe that there is a human growing inside me.
We are busy getting ready for the holidays. We are heading down to Madison Saturday and Sunday to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family. In January we will head to Willie's side.
We have also been busy getting things ready for the baby. We have the room painted, thanks to Tom and Jamie (or should I say to Jamie), and our furniture is put together. I would love to post pictures, but my computer has recently taken a crap and will not stay on longer than 1 minute.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas! The Christensens are looking forward to an eventful 2012!