Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby C is on its way!

We are so happy to announce that we are expecting our first (human) little bundle of joy! While we love our cats dearly, it is time that we stop treating them like children and dressing them up for the holidays. So now I can play dress up with the little one!

I found out I was pregnant the morning of my birthday. For some reason, I just had to take a pregnancy test. When two lines showed up, I almost wet myself. I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I called Willie at work and told him that "I might be pregnant." His response : "How do you know?" I went to the doctor that day to confirm it, and YES, it was true! There is a little one roaming in there.

Approximate due date: May 28th, 2012. Perfect timing as a teacher.

I'm trying really hard to relax as these weeks are really crucial to development. I think Willie is trying very hard to understand everything, but there is so much to know that he is overwhelmed.

As far as the kitties, they don't know what hit them. I believe Toby is stressed because he has a Urinary Tract Infection. Poor guy :( Marble is Marble, fat as can be.

I must head to bed now. The exhaustion has set in full force!